5 Best Cube Timers

Solving Rubik's cube and puzzles is a fun activity, and timing your solves makes it more challenging and interesting. Now in official WCA competitions speedstacks pro timers are used to time your solves and you can buy one for yourself  but most of the people don't, as it's costly and in my opinion the money to be spent on a timer could be used to buy better speed cubes or lubricants.(latest speedstacks G4 pro timer costs Rs.3349/- or $ 47) now if you don't buy any physical timers you most probably shift towards online resources and mobile applications. there are plenty timers you can find online and I'll talk about them in another post. Now if you are not at home and don't have a stackmat with you the option available to you is using timer apps in mobile phone. So here are the top 5 best cube timer apps that you must have on your phone.

1. Twisty Timer :
Twisty Timer is a free customizable material design timer. It features a sleek, modern and beautiful design. You can choose from variety of app themes, customize the color scheme of your cube, Select which item you want to appear in the timer, toggle inspection on/off and more.
   This timer provides good statistics of your cubing session and you can see that in the bottom right and bottom left corners of your screen.
Some Themes provided by Twisty Timer

It gives you high-quality scrambles for all official speedsolving puzzles, from 2x2x2 - 7x7x7 as well as for puzzles like Clock, Megaminx, Pyraminx, Skewb and Square-1. You can trust this app as it provides all original scrambles as they are generated using the TNoodle open-source scramble program, the same used in official competitions.

                                             Statistics                                      Other Options

It keeps the track of all the things like your previous PB's etc. It provides you features like categories, exporting your times into a .csv file, adding comments to your solve, Penalties (If you are true to yourself while practicing😜  ), a solve list and graphs.

Wait not only this it also gives you the list of a full OLL and PLL algorithms. Not only that it gives you an option where you can assign a progress and add new algorithms to each one of the cases. The colors of the stickers of the diagrams also change according to your preferred color scheme.
you can download this app here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aricneto.twistytimer&hl=en

Note: Twisty Timer and all it's features are 100% free, with No ads. 

2. Plus Timer : My next choice would be plus timer for sure. Simple, elegant timer with WCA scrambles for cube solves. It has polished design following material design guidelines. This app also uses TNoodle WCA scramble program for the official puzzles. You can also see the scramble images.
It shows you the Graph and the Statistics of your cubing session, it also shows your Best and Current Ao5 / Ao12 / Ao100 / Ao1000; It also keeps track of your Best solve/Worst solve/Mean/Average and count of the number of solves you did. 
                                      Scramble Image                                General Display 
                                                                                              and All the events
Some other Timer Specs:
# The timer is pretty good, it provides 15 seconds inspection time just like WCA events and it's removable too.
# It has a "Hold to Start" option in the settings. If you enable that you will have to touch and hold for 0.55 seconds before starting your solve.(just like SpeedStacks timer)
# The two row display option, by enabling this the timer would show Hours:Minutes:Seconds on top, and milliseconds on the bottom.
# Adjustable Text Size
# 0.001 or 0.001 seconds accuracy (configurable in settings)
*the good thing is that it provides scrambles for the events like 3x3 oh , 3x3 feet, 4x4 - fast, unofficial
4x4 - blind, 5x5 - blind. Twisty Timer doesn't provide Scrambles for these events. Maybe it includes them in future updates.
you can download this app here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pluscubed.plustimer

3. Cube Timer :
 This app is itself called Cube Timer. Now to be more specific it's developed by Peter Ho. So if you search for this app on play store look for the one developed by Peter Ho. Another thing about this app is that there are two different version of this app. One is a paid app(costs around Rs.100 or $1.40) which is also called the Pro version of this app and the other one is free. So here I'll discuss about the free version of this app.
Design of this app is quite simple, there's a timer, a Scramble, Best time and Average of  5 solves.

                                         Cube Timer                               Language option
                                                                                                in settings
Some other Specification :
# It provides scrambles for just two cubes i.e. for 2x2x2 and 3x3x3. You can add the type of cube you want to time but it wont show any scramble for that. So be prepared with your scrambles if you want to use this timer for other cubes or puzzles.
# You can enable or disable inspection time. It provides inspection time ranging from 5 seconds to 60 seconds.
# It supports eight different languages, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Trad. Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Japanese.
So to sum up i would say that if you are new to cubing or you recently started timing your solves and focusing only on 3x3x3 and 2x2x2 cube then this could be your choice.
you can download this app here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.mateusfiereck.cubetimer

4. Finger Timer:
If you are looking for a Simple and Elegant speedcubing/speedstacking timer in your pocket then this is the right choice for you. This app also come in two different variants the paid version and the free version. It works exactly as the Speedstacks timer works. It gives you an option to connect your timer device (with this app) and Display device (any computer or mobile device with a web browser) to the same Wi-Fi network. This timer give stats of your solves, when you us the timer, stats are generated automatically. The average time, Ao5 and Ao12 (paid version only), are displaying the summary in the LED panel, and you can also get more details in About page. In About page, you can clear the stats or copy them to show off!

Here are some differences between the paid and free version of this app.
Free version:                                                                                 Paid version:
→ The maximum time is 10 minutes                                     →  The maximum time is 60 minutes  
→ Display Connection. (max 10 min)                                   →  Display Connection. (max 60 min)
→ Scramble for only 2x2 and 3x3 cube                                →  Scramble for 2x2 to 5x5 cubes. 
→ Showing Ao5 only                                                            →  Showing Ao5 and Ao12
→ With Ads                                                                           →  No Ads, no distractions!
you can download this app here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.tw.url.omega.FingerTimer

5. Chronopuzzle timer:
It is a free Rubik's cube timer and scrambler. Along with it's minimal interface it's very simple to use - "Hold to Start, Tap to stop". This wonderful app is developed by Simone Santarsiero. Usable in both portrait and landscape mode, It contains scramble for 2x2 to 7x7, Rubik's clock, Pyraminx, Square-1, Megaminx and Skewb not only this it contains scrambles for all other wca events too like 3x3 OH,  3x3 Bld, 3x3 Feet, 4x4 Bld, 5x5 Bld. There are separate scrambles to improve/learn  your Blind solves (For Edge training and Corner training). If we look at the Statistics, this app tells your Best, Worst, Mean of 3, Ao5, Ao12, Best Ao12, Ao100, best Ao100, session average, standard deviation, and session mean. It follow WCA inspection time and you can save and load your sessions automatically.

All of these features makes it unique and easy to use. New features are added with every update.
you can download this app here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.understorm.chronopuzzlefree

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Check out my YouTube channel : Nile's Cubing
Advanced F2L : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlmYB4dpj4c&t=1s
Easy OLL Cases : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a60ulxw5jaQ
My post on Introduction to speedcubing : https://nilescubing.blogspot.com/2019/01/introduction-to-speedcubing-what-is.html

Hope it helps!!!
Happy Cubing. 
