5 Tips To Be Sub-30 on 3x3

If you are able to solve a 3x3 cube within a minute or less on an average then Congratulations!!! you have achieved a milestone in your life and became a speedcuber but now you don't want to stop and still want to improve or explore speedcubing more. Now to achieve success in speedcubing you must set some goals before taking any step further so if your goal is to get sub 30 or less then here are 5 tips and tricks that I recommend which will definitely help you to get sub 30 on 3x3 cube :
*note : Since I use CFOP method so the whole context of   the article is going to be on CFOP.

1. Method you use  

The method that you use to solve your cube plays a major role in affecting you timings. If you still use Beginners Method  then you might reduce your timings to sub 40 or less only if you practice a lot. This is for sure that beginners method is not at all reliable for you to get sub 30 averages. So it is recommended to learn an advanced method like CFOP.  The steps in CFOP are as follows:
Cross → F2L → OLL → PLL. In this method you solve Cross first and then First two layers together and then Orienting the last layer and then Permuting the last layer. The first two steps are completely intuitive and for other two steps I would recommend you to learn 2 look OLL and 2 look PLL at this moment, so it adds up to total 16 algorithms altogether which is not at all difficult.

1.1 CFOP  (extra) :

# Solve Cross on the bottom. if you are new to CFOP or you have a habit of solving cross on the top then try to solve it on the bottom and then proceed to the next step. In beginning it won't bring much change in you times, but once you get faster that turning of cube or that X2 rotation would waste a lot of time.
# F2L : Follow intuitive f2l at this moment.
# OLL : 2 - look OLL : 10 algorithms
# PLL :  2 - look PLL :  6  algorithms

1.2 Good Fingertricks :

It is really important that you follow right fingertricks for doing algorithms or any moves on your cube. Suppose that you do certain fingertricks and even after practicing a lot you aren't able to improve your timings then it is sure that you have to use different fingertricks or change he one's you are doing currently.

2. Optimizing Each Step :

The time you spend on each step in CFOP method matters a lot. Now in order to average under 30 seconds, this is the general time splits you should be following : 
# Cross : 4-5 seconds
# F2L    :  15 seconds
# OLL   :    4 seconds
# PLL    :    6 seconds 
 This is just a general idea how your solve should work. These splits will vary from person to person and it is up-to you to figure out what you are good or bad at.

3. Building Muscle Memory :

The most cliche advice you will hear from other cubers who are better than you is to "PRACTICE MORE". Yeah! it is frustrating to hear sometimes and only practice wouldn't help you to get better, then why it is still said so. The main reason is that it helps you build a better muscle memory and it is the key to perform better. Now when you are solving your cube if you think each step of an algorithm  while executing it will definitely slow you down and reduce your efficiency. When you practice more and drill your algorithms on after the other it gets in your muscle memory and then you can execute any algorithm mindlessly and that makes you faster. That is the sole purpose of "Practicing More"

4. Hardware that you are using :

Along with these tips and tricks that I have been talking about is not going to work if the hardware that you are using is poor. For being sub 30 on an average it is really necessary that you have a good speedcube with you. If anyhow you are using cubes from Rubik's or any other cube from online sites like Amazon or from any local market you need to change your cube right now. Buy a decent cube which has good corner cutting (froward and reverse) and on which you can easily do fingertricks.
You can buy cubes online from these trusted websites : Speedcubeshop.com and thecubicle.com 
or if you are from India then you can go for cubelelo.com.

4.1 Cubes that you can buy:

Now that you know where you have to look for original cubes to buy, it's time to know what cubes you can buy at the beginning.
YuXin little magic or MF3RS2 are the ones' which are available at reasonable price and the give the world class performance. These cubes are your one time investment and can use them until you reach sub 15. So they are highly recommended.
YuXin Little Magic Stickerless
MF3RS2 Stickerless

➤Watch my 12.64 second solve using YuXin little magic here : 

5. Practice

The most cliche advice is back again but it's worth reading. We practice to get better but we won't improve if we just keep repeating the same mistakes again and again. So I suggest you to practice a bit smarter. 
1. Watch Example Solves by other cubers. This is not something new but most of us just ignore this point or never pay much attention to it. Watching example solves helps you to get better. You learn new tricks, new ways of doing something that you have been doing wrong and many more things. Even top class speedcubers watch others' example solves just to get that edge, so why not you? Next time you sit and watch useless things on YouTube just go and watch some example solves and learn something.
2. Drilling Algorithms. once you learn all the 16 algorithms, best way to practice them is to drill one after the other this would help building a better muscle memory and would enhance your performance.
3. Motivation: Look don't compare yourself with others and so does your times. Don't just look at the top speedcubers and curse yourself for not getting better. You just need to remember that it takes time to improve. It could be a week, a month or a year. Just take your time, set goals and keep working towards them consistently. 
Just remember - "Hard work beats Talent if the Talent doesn't work Hard"

I hope you like this article. 
Comment anything, share this article and dont forget to follow.

Here are the links to the other articles I have written and Videos I posted on my YouTube Channel:

➤ My YouTube Channel : Nile's Cubing 
➤ Easy OLL Cases + finger tricks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a60ulxw5jaQ
➤ Easy PLL Cases + finger tricks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8kZ9FOanD8
➤ Follow my Instagram Blog :  @foodandcube



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