Introduction to Speedcubing - What is Speedcubing?

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Speedcubing is a fun and addictive activity which involves solving Rubik's Cube and Puzzles as soon as possible. It is a great brain training tool. It is a combination of solving efficiently but also quickly. Rubik's Cube has been a popular source of entertainment across the world for decades. It is incredibly simple, yet surprisingly complex - a paradox in real sense.
"Anyone can learn it with a bit of Time, Patience, and Practice"
But for most people speedcubing is more than that. For some it's a hobby, a sport, a dream, an aim and for some it's an important part of their life.
 For most speedcubers it's something where they keep striving to improve. The more we practice, It encourages our desire to improve and be best from all our friends and one day the World. 
This amazing puzzle is the creation by Hungarian mathematician Erno Rubik. There are number of methods you can use to solve the Rubik's Cube faster, after all with it's 43 Quintilian possible permutations, It's pretty hard to rely on luck. There are various widely known methods some of these are: CFOP, Roux, Petrus, ZZ, and their variants. Speedcubers compete in the competetions organized by WCA or World Cube Association. This organization forms rules and regulations that are to be followed in competition it conducts all across the globe. The 18 official events held in WCA events are:
  • 3x3x3
  • 2x2x2
  • 4x4x4
  • 5x5x5
  • 6x6x6
  • 7x7x7
  • 3x3x3  Blindfolded 
  • 4x4x4  Blindfolded 
  • 5x5x5  Blindfolded 
  • 3x3x3 Fewest Move Challenge (FMC)
  • 3x3x3 One Handed
  • 3x3x3 Multiple  Blindfolded (3x3x3 Multi-Blind)
  • 3x3x3 with Feet
  • Skewb
  • Clock
  • Square-1
  • Pyraminx
  • Megaminx
Finally, speedcubing community always encourages you to be the best of yourself and reach new heights of success . Here we help each other, Compete without any rivals. In this community we get happy with others' achievements. After-all it's not about going to a competition and winning medals. It's all about meeting new people who share the same interest as you do and having great time together.😄


Note: There are valuable additions and suggestions in this blog by my friends Tamen Dutta and Prateek Sharma.

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Happy Cubing!!!


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